【轉知】國際海事組織 便利運輸委員會 第48屆會議 (FAL 48) 議程標題
國際海事組織 便利運輸委員會第四十八屆會議
Internation Maritime Organization (IMO)
Facilitation Committee (FAL), 48th session, 12 - 08 April 2024
Provisional Agenda
議程 |
議程內容 |
議程1 |
通過議程 Adoption of the agenda; report on credentials |
議程2 |
其他IMO機構的決議 Decisions of other IMO bodies |
議程3 |
審議和通過公約擬議修正案 Consideration and adoption of proposed amendments to the Convention |
議程4 |
審查和更新《便利國際海上運輸公約》解釋手冊 Review and update of the Explanatory Manual to the FAL Convention |
議程5 |
單一窗口概念的應用 Application of single window concept |
議程6 |
審查和修訂IMO便利和電子商務綱要,包括增加電子商務解決方案 Review and revision of the IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business, including additional e-business solutions |
議程7 |
制定港口社區系統準則 Development of guidelines on Port Community Systems |
議程8 |
在便利運輸委員會職權範圍內之文書中處理海上自主水面船舶的措施 Measures to address Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) in the instruments under the purview of the Facilitation Committee |
議程9 |
制定預防和制止從事國際海運船舶走私野生動物的準則 Development of guidelines for the prevention and suppression of the smuggling of wildlife on ships engaged in international maritime traffic |
議程10 |
在海運中導入航前旅客資訊(API)/旅客姓名紀錄(PNR)概念 Introduction of the Advance Passenger Information (API)/ Passenger Name Record (PNR) concept in maritime transport |
議程11 |
分析可用於稽核《便利國際海上運輸公約》合規性的方法 Analysis of possible means of auditing compliance with the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic |
議程12 |
不安全的海上混合移民 Unsafe mixed migration by sea |
議程13 |
審議和分析海上獲救人員和偷渡人員的報告和資訊 Consideration and analysis of reports and information on persons rescued at sea and stowaways |
議程14 |
與便利海上運輸有關的技術合作活動 Technical cooperation activities related to facilitation of maritime traffic |
議程15 |
與其他組織的關係 Relations with other organizations |
議程16 |
適用委員會關於組織和工作方法的程序 Application of the Committee's procedures on organization and method of work |
議程17 |
工作計畫 Work programme |
議程18 |
選舉2025年主席和副主席 Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2025 |
議程19 |
任何其他事項 Any other business |
議程20 |
審議委員會第48屆會議報告 Consideration of the report of the Committee on its forty-eighth session |
Source: IMO, FAL 48/1 Provisional Agenda