【轉知】國際海事組織 法律委員會 第111屆會議 (LEG 111) 議程標題
國際海事組織 法律委員會 第一百一十一屆會議 (LEG 111)
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Legal Committee 111th Session (LEG 111)
Adoption of the agenda
議程 |
議程內容 |
議程1 |
通過議程 Adoption of the agenda |
議程2 |
秘書長關於資格審查的報告 Report of the Secretary-General on credentials |
議程3 |
促進《2010年國際海上運輸有毒有害物質損害責任和賠償公約議定書》生效和統一解釋 Facilitation of the entry into force and harmonized interpretation of the 2010 HNS Protocol |
議程4 |
Fair treatment of seafarers:
議程5 |
Advice and guidance in connection with the implementation of IMO instruments
議程6 |
防止船舶欺詐註冊和與欺詐註冊有關的非法行為的因應措施 Measures to prevent unlawful practices associated with the fraudulent registration and fraudulent registries of ships |
議程7 |
評估賠償責任限制修訂需求的措施 Measures to assess the need to amend liability limits |
議程8 |
海盜和持械搶劫船舶 Piracy and armed robbery against ships |
議程9 |
正確實施和適用IMO責任和賠償公約的指南 Guidance for the proper implementation and application of IMO liability and compensation conventions |
議程10 |
在法律委員會職權範圍內文書中解決海上自主水面船舶(MASS)問題的措施 Measures to address maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) in instruments under the purview of the Legal Committee |
議程11 |
其他IMO機構的工作 Work of other IMO bodies |
議程12 |
與海事立法有關的技術合作活動 Technical cooperation activities related to maritime legislation |
議程13 |
審議源自於法律委員會的公約和其他條約文書的狀況 Review of the status of conventions and other treaty instruments emanating from the Legal Committee |
議程14 |
工作計畫 Work programme |
議程15 |
選舉官員 Election of officers |
議程16 |
任何其他事項 Any other business |
議程17 |
審議法律委員會第111屆會議報告 Consideration of the report of the Committee on its 111th session |
議程 |
議程內容 |
議程1 |
通過議程 Adoption of the agenda |
議程2 |
秘書長關於資格審查的報告 Report of the Secretary-General on credentials |
議程3 |
促進《2010年國際海上運輸有毒有害物質損害責任和賠償公約議定書》生效和統一解釋 Facilitation of the entry into force and harmonized interpretation of the 2010 HNS Protocol |
議程4 |
議程5 |
議程6 |
防止船舶欺詐登記和與欺詐登記有關的非法行為的因應措施 Measures to prevent unlawful practices associated with the fraudulent registration and fraudulent registries of ships |
議程7 |
評估賠償責任限制修訂需求的措施 Measures to assess the need to amend liability limits |
議程8 |
海盜和持械搶劫船舶 Piracy and armed robbery against ships |
議程9 |
正確實施和適用IMO責任和賠償公約的指南 Guidance for the proper implementation and application of IMO liability and compensation conventions |
議程10 |
在法律委員會職權範圍內文書中解決海上自主水面船舶(MASS)問題的措施 Measures to address maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) in instruments under the purview of the Legal Committee |
議程11 |
其他IMO機構的工作 Work of other IMO bodies |
議程12 |
與海事立法有關的技術合作活動 Technical cooperation activities related to maritime legislation |
議程13 |
審議源自於法律委員會的公約和其他條約文書的狀況 Review of the status of conventions and other treaty instruments emanating from the Legal Committee |
議程14 |
工作計畫 Work programme |
議程15 |
選舉官員 Election of officers |
議程16 |
任何其他事項 Any other business |
議程17 |
審議法律委員會第111屆會議報告 Consideration of the report of the Committee on its 111th session |